WORKS > Works on VIDEO

5 minute loop

This video shows the performative process developed by Claire Bain and I, a result of two decades of collaborating performance. This process, which we call FS17, can best be described as Figure Streams. We don ourselves with various pieces of clothing, scraps of material, and various random garb in a free-flowing process that has us cycle through a plethora of looks and personae built mainly on accident and play.

Claire Bain and I have performed in our own and in each other’s work for over two decades, simultaneously constructing and deconstructing various personae for the camera. Taking the subject/object politics of photographic representation into our own hands, our multiple "characters" play to the camera or to each other. Sometimes studied, sometimes ad-libbed, they often inhabit the slippery spaces between self-mockery, playfulness and serious social commentary.